Goats for the Future Workshop Presentation
In February 2023 I participated in the Goats for the Future Workshop organized by the Queensland Central Goat Group. The workshop was held at the Comet Showgrounds in Central Queensland, Australia.
I gave a presentation on Mycoplasma in Goats: an Australian Perspective. I also ran a workshop on biosecurity and herd health plans.
Four Mycoplasma species have been associated with disease in Australian goats:
Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae
Mycoplasma conjunctivae
Mycoplasma putrefaciens
Mycoplasma ovis
Mycoplasma arignini also occurs in Australian goats, although its role in disease is considered minor.
My presentation covered the disease syndromes seen with each of these Mycoplasma species, as well as diagnosis and management.
Every goat herd should have a herd health plan. The workshop covered the nine parts of the herd health plan, with a more detailed look at the first part, protocols to prevent exposure to disease (the biosecurity plan).